Thursday, October 31, 2019

Theories of Democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Theories of Democracy - Essay Example These conservative Islamic movements run in the name of Jihad. Neither Jihad nor McWorld can be considered democratic. According to Barber, governments supportive of fundamentalist Islam are less likely to be supportive of the US interests, while Mitchell suggests in his article that such governments are more likely to be aligned with the US interests. This idea, the coalition of Jihad and McWorld, is missing from Barber’s analysis because it is claimed by Mitchell that the US government is quite familiar with working with Muslim emirs â€Å"whose power depended upon strict interpretations of Islamic law† (Mitchell 1). Barber puts forward this idea that McWorld and Jihad are indifferent to each other (Barber). In contrast, it is implied by Mitchell that we do not live in an age of Jihad vs. McWorld as suggested by Barber, but we actually live in the age of McJihad. This concept is missing from Barber’s

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Spirituality and the Creative Spirit, (Portfolio#1) Essay

Spirituality and the Creative Spirit, (Portfolio#1) - Essay Example As it is also observed that in the text it is stated, â€Å"His (Davis) mother took him regularly to catholic church hoping that somehow provide comfort instead it filled him with fear, ‘I found the whole thing terrifying’† (17). Davis’s terror is explicable as the fear of punishment and the manner in which the church portrays God. However it is apparent that he is a spiritualist the reason being that he has strived to find meaning of life and was ultimately able to discover solace in nature and his catharsis was writing poetry. It is highly stressed upon that church and the Christian theology or any other religion does not governs spirituality reason being that spirituality is not simply confined to the search of God. Although for some people spiritualism is the exploration of one’s relation with God and importance of religion. Yet it is not true for the majority of the people because in the twenty first century a large number of people do not belie ve in God anymore as it is stated about Davis, â€Å"on many occasions he still believes that the Gods have fled† (17) it is more about self contemplation than about God. Nevertheless the importance of religion cannot be denied because in a large number of cases it acts as a catalyst for initiating or introducing an individual to spirituality. Since the Church plays an integral role in the exhibition of a large number of paintings regarding mysticism and also because religion has the power of instigating or putting an individual in a contemplative mood. So it is the process of questioning that leads a man to explore the mysteries of life and reason with the logic and principles of his existence. Spirituality can also be elucidated as a form of expression in which an individual gets a chance to express one’s every feeling of anger, love, hatred and admiration. Hence any form of art i.e. music, poetry, painting and dancing are all modes of expressing one’s interpretation of life as well one’s

Sunday, October 27, 2019

International Business Cultural Diversity Management Essay

International Business Cultural Diversity Management Essay You are required to assist the work of TATA Ltd. One of the worlds most dynamic and trusted business conglomerates,  Tata  has more than a century of experience in the UK and a growing presence in several business sectors. The company wants to improve its efficiency throughout its divisions and believes that using cultural diversity factors may be the key. 3). Cultural Differences are held responsible for many failures in mergers and acquisitions (MA). Critically discuss which business aspects are likely to be affected. Managing and working with multicultural teams requires an understanding of cultural diversity to create an effective team. Critically discuss the issues This essay will discuss about Tata, their MA, the impacts of cultural differences and the different aspects they have to consider to build an international team. Usually used under the name of MA (Mergers Acquisitions), this term refers to a consolidation of companies. Merger is a strategic alliance whose the aim is to create a new entity. An acquisition is the fact to acquire a new company by purchasing it. Tata wants to improve its efficiency throughout its divisions and believes that using cultural diversity factors may be the key. Tata is an Indian group founded in 1868 by the Indian entrepreneur Jamsetji Tata and currently run by the Irish businessman Cyrus Pallonji Mistry. Nowadays, Tata is a powerful international group operating in more than 80 countries by a diversification strategy (thanks to the MA). The groups activity is divided into numerous sectors, for instance: technology, cars, services, electricity, consumer products, beverages, steel, materials and chemicals. Indeed, this international group has acquired since about ten years numerous companies which have cost altogether several milliards of dollars. These are the main takeovers: Tetley Group (UK) in 2000: tea Regent Hotel (Indian) in 2002: hotels Hughes Telecom (Indian) in 2002: telecom Daewoo Commercial Vehicle Company (Korean) in 2004: cars NatSteel Asia (Singaporean) in 2005: steel Brunner Mond (UK) in 2005: chemicals Eight O Clock Coffee Company (USA) in 2006: coffee Jaguar and Land Rover (UK) in 2008: cars Source: Tata Group 2012 Tata wants to improve its performance thanks to MA but to reach that goal; it has to consider that cultural differences affect numerous business aspects in this kind of strategic alliance. For Adler and Gundersen (2008), cultural differences may have positives and negatives effects on a multicultural teams performance. Indeed, the cross-cultural differences are linked to performance. The cultural differences are one of the most important features to take into account to succeed in a M&A; maybe the most important. The culture is complex; it is a shared system of attitudes, beliefs and behaviour. Nowadays, the business is globalized and international; we can almost talk about a business culture run by the globalization (Hopper, 2007). Indeed, the world is not becoming smaller but people and their culture are moving closer. Tata has to understand that ignore the cultural differences would be a terrible mistake: the MA would not work or would not be as effective as expected. Tata should not make the same mistakes than the Merger between Chrysler (American) and Daimler-Benz (German) in 1998. It is a well-known example of how cultural differences can be held responsible for a failure in a MA. According to Vlasic and Stertz (2001), the main cause of this failure was the cultural differences. Indeed, Chrysler and Daimler had the same objectives but the cross-cultural gap between both was too deep and not enough considered to succeed (Schneider, 1997). Strategically, the merger was a good deal for both. However little by little, the cultural differences have led the merger to failure. This strategic alliance finished by an important economical (more than half a billion dollars) and social cost (redundancy). This example is the perfect proof than cultural differences badly assimilated can bring a MA to poor productivity and sometimes failure. Many mergers and acquisitions fail. Indeed, the average rate of failure is between 40-80%. According to Trompenaars and Asser (2010), it varies between 20% and 33%. Stahl and Voigt (2008) say that this rate of failure is relatively high and the impact of cultural differences remain most of the time, badly assimilated. Shareholders have tendency to underestimate the cultural factors in mergers and acquisitions. For Ferraro (2002), one of the biggest mistakes is to think that if a person is successful in his job, he will necessarily succeed in an environment culturally different. According to Harris and Moran (2000), culture acts on communication, strategies, relations, organizations and structures. Indeed, the cultural differences affect numerous business aspects such as organisation, financial performance, negotiation, communication, ways of getting work done, the human relationships, the time, the environment and the management. Insufficient awareness of cultural differences may provoke damages. (Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner 1997, p. 10). In fact, cultural differences badly mastered can lead to: misunderstandings, incorrect exchange of information, ruined negotiations, loss of sales, poor labour relations, a loss of talented employees, limited co-operation, hostility and rivalry. (To change: Sian Taylors lesson). Joynt and Morton (1999) state that the cultural differences have a strong impact on the organisation. In fact, a MA may provoke numerous changes in the organisation structure. When there are hierarchical and organisational changes, the shareholders may have some difficulties to agree with the opinion or the status of the new colleagues. It may cause tensions and frictions between them. The human resources services and the management team field have an essential role to play in this kind of strategic alliances. (Source bad example to extend and to change) Culture has also a strong impact on the productivity. The cultural aspects may affect numerous other business aspects which influence indirectly on the performance of the MA in particular making benefits (Stahl and Voigt, 2005). For them, To increase effectiveness across cultures, training must be the focus of the job, while education thought of with reference to the individual, and development reserved for organizational concerns.(To change?) Culture differences badly assimilated product poor results and performance. However, the relationships between the MA performance and the cultural differences are not as easy as it could seem. (To Change and extend) King et al (2004) state that despite decades of research, what impacts the financial performance of firms engaging in MA activity remains largely unexplained. (To change?) The negotiation is also an aspect affected by the cultural differences. For instance, bad master of the culture or the local customs can lead to misunderstandings and confusions (Schein, 1993). It involves the meetings, the contacts and all the components of the negotiation between two interlocutors culturally different. Each culture has its own way to negotiate even though certain are similar. For instance, the Indians employees of Tata are used to negotiate because it is something daily and at every moment of the day in India. They rarely say no by politeness and sometimes their answer may seem unclear, that is why, a foreign negotiator should be able to decode the non-verbal language to know what they really think (such as cross legs or arms). (relation with Tata? + bad example) Another aspect that can be a problem is communication. Javidan and House (2002) state that during a MA, cultural differences may have negatives impacts on communication. For instance, Tata took this aspect into account for the acquisition of Jaguar and Land Rover. The Indian group had to retain a good communication with the employees of Jaguar and Land Rover. According to Schein (1993), in a business, the dialogue is primordial. In fact, it enables to transmit the information in order to be accurate and effective. It affects numerous fields such as: the management of people, negotiation, meetings, contracts, socialising, presentations, and advertising. During a MA, the communication is a determining factor: of success or failure (Trompenaars and Asser 2010, p.10). According to Stahl and Voigt (2008), in MA, the culture strongly impact the ways of getting the work done such as the levels of formality, tolerance of risk and methods of decision making (Communicaid 2008). In fact, each culture has his own way to do the job. Tata has to consider this fact, in particular for MA with other cultures like European (Tetley group (UK)) or American (Eight O Clock Coffee Company). Cultural differences may be barriers to the performance when they negatively impact the relationships between people and especially between the employees (to extend) of a MA. In particular, the way of dealing with conflict (To change). Often, people have a fixed idea of a particular type of person or thing, it is called a stereotype. Culture is like an iceberg. At the top, the elements we can see physically such as the behaviour, the clothing and the food. Whereas underneath, there is all the things we cannot see at the first sight such as meanings, beliefs, attitudes and values. Many human beings are influenced by their cultural roots which are very often transmitted by the family. (Too change, Sian Taylors lesson). Cross-cultural difference can have negative impacts on the human relationships (Javidan and House, 2002). According to Kleppestà ¸ (1998), we may see sometimes, the creation of in-group and out-group. (too extend). A bad entente between employees has for main consequenc e the fall of productivity. Indeed, the difference of culture does not simplify the relationships, especially when shareholders have to make important and essential choice. The cultural differences divide more than they gather, which might be problematic when shareholders have to take a single and common strategic decision. In fact, the human behaviour is an essential feature to take into account. Tata has also to take into account the time. Indeed, it is influenced by the cultural origins and determinant in the success of a MA. It can have important influences on the planning and on the way of how people manage their time. For Harris and Moran (2000), the definitions of time vary according to the culture, some are exact and others are relative. According to Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (1997), primitive societies just consider the matter of the before and the after whereas the educated societies judge the matter of time differently. For them, the time is an infinite succession of event. (To change) For instance, Tata purchased Jaguar and Land Rover which are British companies. Both cultures have a different on the notion of time. Tata is an Indian group and culturally their relation with the time is more relax and less in a rush than the European philosophy. For example, the Indian group would not hesitate to spend a long time to meet their employees whereas the British wou ld do it as quick as possible. All the more than Tata has always considered importantly the social aspect with its employees. Moreover, one of main cultural difference is the attitude of people with the environment. Some cultures have more importance for their own human-being life rather than other cultures attach more importance to the world in general than to the individuals.(To change) (Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner, 1997). Harris and Moran (2000) say that persons culturally different live and organize their environments in their own specific way. However, Tata has to know that a team composed of different cultures may have numerous potential benefits. Indeed, culture is also an opportunity and a source for the Indian group of competitive advantage. (Sian Taylor, Too change) Cultural differences may also have positives impacts on multicultural teams only if they respect certain conditions. In fact, diversity can lead to higher performance only when members of the group understand each other, and can combine and build on each other thoughts and ideas (Chell, 2001). (To change, Sian Taylors course). Cultural differences in the same organisation can also a great opportunity. (too extend)(source) Define culture is necessary to well understand what are the cultural diversities and which impacts they have on performance. For Hofstede (1980), culture is the interactive aggregate of common characteristics that influence a groups response to its environment. Cultural differences change the way people solve problems. In fact, Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (1997) say that we can differentiate every culture individually by the way they solve problems. The cultures distinguish from each other by the specific solutions they use when there is an issue. For instance, two groups of students have an essay to hand in for a due date. The first group is French and the other one is American. Both groups are late but they react differently because they are culturally different: the American group will reach the deadline and scarify the quality whereas the French group will go over the deadline and try to improvise. According to Chell (2001), the synergy in a multicultural team can improve significantly the performance and increase benefits. A multicultural team in which members live well together will be more productive and effective. Indeed, the cultural differences can create potential competitive advantages such as a better productivity, innovation, learning or ambience. It may also increase the productivity. Indeed, in a same situation, employees culturally different can have different way of thinking and therefore bring several solutions and improve the performance (Adler and Gundersen, 2008, p.134). In fact, multicultural team means wider range of opinions, ideas and consequently encourage the innovation. According to Adler and Gundersen (2008), this creativity enables to find better solutions to problems, take better decisions. Moreover, Chell (2001) think intercultural team is strength for a team. In fact, different nationalities enable to master different languages and consequently a bigger flexibility geographically and linguistically. Moreover, being cultural different may also enable to learn new things such as another way of managements or another ways of getting the work done. A multicultural team were the members understand each other enable to have a better ambience in the firm. The role of the manager has a strong impact on the ambience which is an essential feature to reach the synergy (Adler and Gundersen, 2008). If Tata wants to succeed in a MA with cultural differences, they should consider how to organize and manage an intercultural team. Managing and working with multicultural teams requires an understanding of cultural diversity to create an effective team. A multicultural team needs some features essential to be successful for example: the motivation to communicate, a good relationship between each members and a reciprocal respect. (To change Sian Taylors courses) Additionally, Tata must be aware of the role of the manager: it has changed due to the new cultural diversity in a same team (Harris and Moran, 2000). Nowadays, he must be skilful, master several languages and know the cultural features of his employees and the shareholders. The role of the manager is also to avoid the cultures shock and cultures clashes between the employees. According to Ruben (1983), the multinational manager should have seven skills to gather the employees strengths and bring them to the performance: tolerant, respectful, have good interpersonal skills, not to be prejudiced against people, feel empathy, observant and persevering. For Trompenaars and Asser (2010), the managers have a tendency to focus on the results of deal rather than the way the people reach together these objectives. The human dimension and the cultural differences are unfortunately used to be underestimated in a merger or acquisition. They are in particular ignored by the managers who prefer f ocus on results and performance rather than the way the job is done. Moreover, the notion of feedback (between manager and employees) is essential to fix the differing and underline the good things. Indeed, their first objective of the manager is to reach the synergy: to gather all the shareholders and bring them to an only and same goal with this kind of tools. Furthermore, the cultural differences strongly affect the way of managing people. Indeed, MA often involve the mix of firms and consequently, the mix of employees who are sometimes culturally different. Especially because culture is not something we cannot figure out at the first sight; it is something inside us. Trompenaards and Hampden-Turner states, it is not on surface but deep in every person. (Too change p.3). According to Tylor (1924), culture is not something simple or limited to one dimension in one field, it is the entire contrary. Indeed, he states that the culture is composed by numerous components such as: habits, language, religion, belief and morals. To create an effective team, the team have to understand the culture of each member and learn cross cultural knowledge (Harris and Moran, 2000). The creation of a multicultural effective team takes time because the manager must make aware each members of his own culture (Chell, 2001). One of the essential points is to resp ect the others cultures and the fact to be different because the culture takes an important place in peoples lives. Understand another culture also means be respectful about these differences. In fact, Chell (2001) say that the members have to have in mind that there is no dominant culture and everybody is equal whatever his origin. Indeed, according to them; we have to master early our culture before learning to know all the features of another one. Schein (1993) said We have to learn to listen to ourselves before we can really understand others. It is called the polycentrism: attempt to overcome your own cultural assumptions and to develop openness towards other cultures (To change course Sian Taylor). At the contrary the worst behaviour to adapt is to be ethnocentric: to look the word only through my own culture. (To change) Moreover in multicultural team, some cultures are more likely to fit with one than another. In a globalized world, the cross-cultural relationship has change d the way of managing a team. To conclude, Tata must be conscious that intercultural issues not well mastered may lead to poor productivity and performance. The cultural differences can affect negatively the business aspects and the performance. However, an effective multicultural team can have a positive impact on the performance. Indeed, if the cross-cultural differences are considerate and if the members collaborate, the cultural differences may become a great opportunity for the Indian group. Moreover, the future of a MA depends on the ability of a multicultural team to gather their strengths in the same project even if they are culturally different. That is why the role of the manager is crucial. Indeed, bring a multicultural team to the synergy is the main aim and role of the management team. Tata has to focus on the fact that diversity can lead to higher performance only when members of the group understand each other and work together.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Compare The Ostler and The Darkness Out There Essay -- English Literat

Compare The Ostler and The Darkness Out There In this essay I will compare two stories - The Ostler, written in the 19th century by a man called Wilkie Coliins, and The Darkness Out There, by Penelope Lively, written in the 20th century. They are both horror stories, a genre which has been popular throughout the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. This is perhaps because, since we are no longer scared on a daily basis, as would have been the case in medieval times, we need to find an artificial way of creating the thrill. I will look at the similarities and differences between the way each story is structured, the build up of tension, the settings and the characters. First I will summarise each story and look at their 19th and 20th century features. The Ostler is about an unlucky, not very bright man who has a very vivid dream on his birthday that a woman is trying to kill him. Years later, also on his birthday, he meets this woman again and gets engaged to her before he realises who she is. By the time his mother realises, it is to late and he feels he has to marry her. She turns out to be an alcoholic and one day, after she is particularly cruel to him, Isaac hits her. She runs away, and comes back seven days later, on the night of his birthday, to try and attack him, in exactly the same way as the dream-woman did. He manages to stop her and she runs away again, this time never to be seen again, but Isaac continues to be terrified that she will return and kill him, especially on his birthday. The Darkness Out There is about two teenagers who are part of a group which helps out old people with things like cleaning and gardening. They go to help one old lady and she tells them a how, in the war, she l... people's mind's. The stories are similar in that nothing too horrific actually happens in either of them. They are more about the character's fears. Personally, I liked The Ostler less than The Darkness Out There, as it deals with a more supernatural horror which only affects the character in the story, and so did not have such an impact on me. I liked The Darkness Out There as it makes you think, and it applies to everyone, which makes it truly chilling. At the end Sandra is changed forever. The wood is emptied of the fictional witches, wolves, tigers and prowling blokes, but this does not make her feel better. The old fears were in a way comforting - "It was cosy to think of Packer's End, where you weren't", but the new fear cannot be shut out or escaped from because it is a part of her, a part of every human that is capable of unspeakable horror.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Starbucks CSAs and FSAs

Their lifestyle, fashion nd actress activity would be preference for people who are really fanatic with their culture. Besides that, their military equipment and technology always make other nation worried and respect to this country. Lastly, coffee addicted among American people and society. Starbucks firm specific (FSAs) advantages are location of their coffee house. Most of Starbucks coffee house are located in strategic area like urban area. This location has high traffic that can be easily reach and access by customer.Then, Starbucks offer high quality of facility and convenience to their customer. The mbience in the coffee house can make people relax and enjoy having a meeting and doing their work. Furthermore, the brand name of Starbucks itself is their FSA. When enter in the coffee house, we feel like in American style and perception that people that drink Starbucks coffee are wealth people. The chain's success of Starbucks for those advantages is because of the strong cultur e of drink coffee for American and Italian people.This culture gives an opportunity for Starbucks to increase their chain success. Then, convenience that they offer to their customer. Starbucks usually would e destination point for doing a meeting and doing homework. The ambience inside the coffee house really comfortable and encourage people to visit their shop. Besides that, location of the Starbucks coffee house really strategic that place in high traffic area. This area can be easily reach and access by customer. As a result, Starbucks increase their chain success in the U.S. market. Question 2 How internationally mobile is the Starbucks concept? Any barrier to entry? Starbucks Corporation is an American global coffee company and coffeehouse chain based in Seattle, Washington. Starbucks is the largest coffeehouse company in the world. The first Starbucks opened in Seattle, Washington, on March 30, 1971 by three partners that met while students at the University of San Francisco: English teacher Jerry Baldwin, history teacher Zev Siegl, and writer Gordon Bowker.The three were inspired to sell high-quality coffee beans and equipment by coffee roasting entrepreneur Alfred Peet after he taught them his style of roasting beans. Originally the company was to be called Pequod, after a whaling ship from Moby-Dick, but this name was rejected by some of the co-founders. The company was instead named after the chief mate on the Pequod, Starbuck. From 1971-1976, the first Starbucks was at 2000 Western Avenue. It then moved to 1912 Pike Place Market; it then was sell.During their first year of operation, they purchased green coffee beans from Peet's, then began buying directly from growers. The first Starbucks location outside North America opened in Tokyo, Japan, in 1996. Starbucks entered the U. K. market in 1998 with the $83 million acquisition of the then 65-outlet, UK-based Seattle Coffee Company, re-branding all the stores as Starbucks. In September 2002, Starbuc ks opened its first store in Latin America, at Mexico City. In 1999, Starbucks experimented with eateries in the San Francisco Bay area through a restaurant chain called Circadia.These restaurants were soon â€Å"outed† as Starbucks establishments and converted to Starbucks cafes. In October 2002, Starbucks established a coffee trading company in Lausanne, Switzerland to handle purchases of green coffee. All other coffee-related business continued to be managed from Seattle. In April 2003, Starbucks completed the purchase of Seattle's Best Coffee and Torrefazione Italia from AFC Enterprises for $72m. The deal only gained 150 stores for Starbucks, but according to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer the wholesale business was more significant.In September 2006, rival Diedrich Coffee announced that it would sell most of its company-owned retail stores to Starbucks. This sale includes the company-owned locations of the Oregon-based Coffee People chain. Starbucks converted the Diedric h Coffee and Coffee People locations to Starbucks, although the Portland airport Coffee People locations were excluded from the sale. In August 2003, Starbucks opened its first store in South America in Lima, Peru. In 2007, the company pened its first store in Russia, ten years after first registering a trademark there.In March 2008 they purchased the manufacturer of the Clover Brewing System. They began testing the â€Å"fresh-pressed† coffee system at several Starbucks locations in Seattle, California, New York and Boston. In early 2008, Starbucks started a community website, My Starbucks Idea, designed to collect suggestions and feedback from customers. Other users comment and vote on suggestions. Journalist Jack Schofield noted that â€Å"My Starbucks seems to be all sweetness and light at the moment, which I dont think is possible without quite a lot of censorship†. The website is powered by the Salesforce software.In May 2008, a loyalty program was introduced for registered users of the Starbucks Card (previously simply a gift card) offering perks such as free Wi-Fi Internet access, no charge for soy milk ; flavored syrups, and free refills on brewed drip coffee or tea. A store in Seattle known for its use of the corporation's new ideas reopened in the fall 2010 with a modified interior design in which the espresso machines were placed in the middle of the store. On November 14, 2012, Starbucks announced it will purchase Teavana for $620 million ollars in cash and the deal was formally closed on December 31, 2012.Question 3 Franchising would seem a natural entry mode for Starbucks, but the chain sometimes arrangement where one party (the franchiser) grants another party (the franchisee) the right to use its trademark or trade-name as well as certain business systems and processes, to produce and market a good or service according to certain specifications. The advantage of franchising that Starbucks would receive is easy to control. Starbuc ks can reduce their difficulty to control their coffee house at around the world by franchising method. Then, can standardize their product or service to all franchise.This will help to maintain and standardize their high quality of product and service that will increase customer loyalty. Besides that, rapid expansion for Starbucks company to increase their market. In todays marketplace, the window of opportunity for a new or unique business concept closes very quickly. Franchising permits multiple units to be opened simultaneously, gaining a foothold over would-be competitors. The disadvantage of franchising is the cost of maintaining and developing company owned units is very expensive and often difficult to obtain. There are also many potential problems associated with the franchising system.The franchisor will lose freedom of operation unless they establish a franchise system. The franchise agreement or contract will become a legal document binding the franchisor and the franchi see to specific business codes and conducts. The franchisor will also be faced with recruitment in signing of good franchisees. One of the most difficult situations a franchisor will also face is how to deal with disgruntled franchisees. Then, a problem associated with franchising is simply the communication which must exist between a franchisor and franchisee. Question 4 Do Illy and Starbucks compete or not?How likely are they to compete in the future? No, Illy and Starbucks not compete with each other. It is because both are in different business mode although both sell coffee. For Illycaffe, they enter the U. S market mainly through 82B. Most of their products are sell to hotel, cafes, restaurant and coffee house. They are focusing on b2b business that is different with Starbucks. So, for customer that really want to purchase and taste the true coffee from Illycaffe product they need to purchase it either from hotel, restaurant or cafes that cooperate with Illycaffe brand. For th e other side, Starbucks entered U. S. arket mainly through retail market and dominates the market. Starbucks product can be directly purchase by customer from their coffee house because of their focusing on B2C business. Starbucks sell their product directly to end user that is different from Illycaffe. As a result, both company are not directly compete in the market although sell almost same product. In the future, Starbucks and Illycaffe are going to compete about their product for example new innovation in coffee taste. Then, service offering would be the element that they compete in the future. Besides that, loyalty from the ustomer will differentiate between both companies.If you were Andrea Illy, what strategic plan would you develop? The strategic plan that should be considered must be perform internal and external analysis of the company. The company would be affected by political, economic, social and technological changes. The strategic plan should be concern about all of those factors. In order for the company to maintain their competitive edge, it has to remain the innovative skills and continue offering new differentiated products. Besides that, investing in its partners and its ethical values towards the environment would be a ood plan.Furthermore, Illycaffe also need to strengthen their distribution channel to access and reach all potential customers. Then, Illycaffe also should involved and compete in the retail market. This retail market has a large opportunity to expend their business and territory area. Understand and adapt their product with local culture and taste of their market needs. Then, making the export coffee more suitable for the market region to ensure their product can be accepted by local people. Lastly, increase their service offering and high quality of convenience to attract customer enter their coffee house.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Leadership and morality in The Crucible Essay

â€Å"He has an idea of himself which is that of a leader of a sort, a moral example, perhaps, for others†¦ † Examine the importance of leadership and morality in The Crucible. The ideas of leadership and morality are extremely important in Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible. The quote by Arthur Miller, â€Å"He has an idea of himself which is that of a leader of a sort, a moral example, perhaps, for others†¦ † could apply to a number of the male characters in the play, and is also applicable to a number of the female characters in the female. Leadership is defined in the dictionary as â€Å"guidance and direction† and morality as â€Å"motivation bases on ideas of right and wrong†. They are both very important in The Crucible, and are commonly emphasized with negative actions and ideas. Several characters in the play show leadership over others, and many undergo immoral actions and activities. Miller says of Parris, â€Å"He has an idea of himself which is that of a leader of a sort, a moral example, perhaps, for others†¦ â€Å". He has authority over the strongly religious town of Salem, yet he uses his power for personal gain, which is not only against his religion but is extremely immoral. He uses his power to condemn innocent men who may threaten his position in the future and who he has a dislike for. For a Reverend he has a severe lack of morality, with his incessant greed and quest for personal gain. John Proctor is most interesting for the moral choice that he has to make, whether to lie and save himself or to tell the truth and save his conscience. Although he has been immoral and sinned by having an affair, he makes the right choice by telling the truth. He knows that he is a sinner and is not worthy of following in Giles and Rebecca Nurse’s footsteps of being a martyr, but he tries to do what he believes to be right and what will be best for his family. The audience feels sympathetic for Proctor as he is hanged, as he has made the correct moral choice and died telling the truth. He asks â€Å"How may I live with my name? † just before tearing up his confession, stating that it is more important to tell the truth and keep his good name than to lie and live with a blackened name. As well as Proctor and Parris, many of the other characters in the play have moral choices to make and chances to show morality, yet many lie for personal gain or to save themselves. Without doubt the least moral person in the play is Abigail Williams. She lies at every possible chance in order to save herself and get revenge on those that she dislikes. She condemns innocent people which ultimately results in their death, yet has no conscience or feelings for those that she has hurt. Although she knows that there has be no actual witchcraft, yet continues with the idea in order to save herself and attack others. She makes a number of allegations against other women, â€Å"I saw Alice Barrows with the devil† being one example of her condemning and innocent person. Elizabeth, Hale, Danforth, Giles Corey and Rebecca Nurse all also have the chance to show their morality, yet only Giles and Rebecca are the only two in the whole play who come out of it as truly good people with excellent morality. They both do not give in by admitting to something that they have done, and both die as martyrs. Corey continues to tell the truth until the moment he dies, as he is crushed to death by his immoral torturers. He says â€Å"more weight† when given the option to confess of to continue with the torture, this being his final heroic act. Rebecca also dies a martyrs death, as she also continues to tell the truth knowing that she is going to die. These are the only two that show true morality and goodness. Although we feel sympathy for Hale when he finally realizes the mistake he has made, his lack of moral courage means that we can not admire or respect him. He is the one that starts the witch hunts, but eventually realises that his original assumptions were incorrect and endeavours to save the innocent townspeople. He tries to persuade them to admit to a crime that they had not done, which in its self is immoral, so that their lives may be spared. Some agree and are spared, but those with moral values continue to tell the truth and die for there beliefs. Elizabeth also has a moral choice, by lying to save her husband or telling the truth and leaving him in trouble. She lies in an attempt to save him, but this backfires as she discovers that he has already confessed to the crime, which ultimately condemns him. Leadership is another key aspect of The Crucible, and Abigail Williams is probably the most significant leader in the play. After discovering that she now has power over others, she exploits it for personal gain and to gain revenge on anyone that she believes has acted against her. She persuades the girls to admit to the crime so that they will not be punished, and to claim that others have been involved with the devil. She also threatens others into following her. John Proctor is a natural born leader, and organises opposition towards the church. He tries to persuade others to do the right thing and stand up against evil and continue to tell the truth, no matter what the consequences are. He realises what he needs to do, to save his own and others moral consciences, and takes a leading role in trying to help others. When Hale arrives he has an heir of authority and sense of leadership. His books are â€Å"weighted with authority† and people listened to what he had to say because of his authority. He then questions his own beliefs when he discovers that everything is not as he first believed. He loses his faith in his religion and the law, as he sees innocent people being executed for crimes that they have not committed. By the end his leaderships qualities are non-existent, and he is not half the man he used to be. Parris is similar to Hale, not just because he is also a Reverend, but because he has authority which makes people believe that what he is saying is the truth and is right. Parris use his leadership over others for personal gain, and only cares about his personal welfare. This may have had something to do with his background, as he used to be a tradesman in Barbados, which may explain his continued quest for personal gain. Danforth is another that has authority and therefore leadership over others. He has the power to sentence people to death, and so people will listen to what he has to say and respect his ideas. The other girls in the play are all easily led, as they follow Abigail’s lead in saving themselves and attacking other innocent people. This is especially true for Mary Warren, as she as good as sentences him to death when he claims that â€Å"there is a black man behind your right shoulder†. In conclusion, leadership and morality are extremely important in The Crucible. They are the basis of the lies that result in the death of 19 innocent people. Many people have moral choices to make, whether to save themselves by lying or telling the truth and facing the possibility of death. Many leaders also appear from the tragic events, with actions as well as negatives. These exciting aspects lead to an ultimately gripping play.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Hamlet and his antic disposition

Hamlet and his antic disposition Hamlet's idea of pretending to become crazy so that he can take revenge on his father's death was a bad strategy. In doing this Hamlet ran onto a lot of problems. The situations like the death of Ophelia, his fighting with his mother, trying to fool the King and Polonius, his own downfall and finally his death all illustrate why. Hamlet's antic disposition made him lose control of his own actions and resulted in Hamlet losing everything.Hamlet's antic disposition was the main reason why Ophelia committed suicide and why Hamlet fought with his mother. Hamlet believed that if he showed no more feelings for Ophelia and showed hatred and cruelty for his mother, people and particularly the King and Polonius, would believe that he was truly mad. He shows that he has no feelings for Ophelia when he says to her "You should not have believed me, for virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it.King of Greece let not ever the soul of Nero enter this form bosom. Let me be cruel, not unnatural; I will speak daggers to her, but use none." In both of these situations, Hamlet's act of madness gained him nothing but significant loss.Hamlet believed that if the...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Cost of Human Rights essays

The Cost of Human Rights essays In Tibet Chinese officials gouge out a mans eyes and then throw him from the roof of Tibets holiest shrine. Meanwhile elsewhere in the town a father and daughter are forced to have sex while members of the Chinese army watch and cheer on (Chang, 30). China has violated treaties they have signed with Tibet and horrific international crimes are being committed on a daily basis. Countries will publicly condemn and take covert actions against China. But they fear if they take a more active stance against China they could lose trade relations with China. For almost two thousand years Tibet has existed as an autonomous nation. Only twice in the countrys history have they been subjected to rule by outsiders (Chang, 31). On October 7th, 1950 eighty thousand troops of the Peoples Liberation Army of China invaded Tibet in an attempt to integrate Tibet with China. The Tibetan army was outnumbered as well as overpowered and twelve days later Ngabo Ngawang Jigme, Tibetan Provincial Governor, surrendered to the Chinese government (Cavendish). The agreement the two leaders signed stated, the Tibetan government could keep their functions and rights, including an army (Dalai Lama Says). Chairman Mao even encouraged the Tibetans to retain the Tibetan flag. This retention of the Tibetan flag clearly illustrated that China acknowledges that Tibet is an independent country and not an annexation of China. The treaty also stipulated that Tibet would have autonomy, that the central government would not alter the existing political system or t he established status, functions and powers of the Dalai Lama, that freedom of religious belief would be upheld (Dalai Lama Says). Thus according to the treaty Tibet would remain a sovereign state. However, China did not uphold its end of the treaty and has subjected Tibet to communist rule, completely altering Tibetan way of life. ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The 9 Reasons You Miss ACT Science Questions

The 9 Reasons You Miss ACT Science Questions SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips No one likes to make mistakes. However, you cannot ignore the questions you miss, or you will not improve. In this article, I will help you figure out the mistakes you are making on ACT Science questions, and I will give you some ACT Science tips and ACT Science strategies to fix your mistakes. Here are the 9 reasons you're missing ACT Science Questions: Misreading the visuals Not understanding a trend Not understanding the setup of the experiment Misreading the passage Not knowing a science fact Calculation error Careless error Not understanding a viewpoint Not understanding how viewpoints are related I've developed these core reasons after many hours of tutoring students on the ACT Science section. I'll go into more detail on each reason below. Reason #1: Misreading the Visuals This is one of the most common mistakes since it's easy to do, and it applies to a lot of questions in ACT Science. If you read our article on the 3 types of ACT science passages, this mistake is usually connected to factual questions, calculating questions, and interpreting experiments questions. Did you not read the graphs, tables, scatterplots or diagrams correctly? If so, what did you misread? What did you not understand? Make sure to drill this skill, as it is the most tested on the ACT Science section. Here is an ACT Science practice question, more specifically an example of a factual question: There are several mistakes you can make when misreading graphs. Did you look at the wrong figure entirely? Example: Did you accidentally use the top graph of the percent of captured finches from Island A? You should have used the two bottom graphs that covered the percent of captured finches from Island B and C. Did you misread the values along the x: Did you think it said 8 instead of 10? Did you misread the labels along the x: Did you think beak depth was measured along the y-axis? Did you not notice a key? Example: Many visuals will have a key with them. Keys are usually very important. Do not ignore them. You'll recognize these mistakes when your answer choice is very different from the correct answer. If you think you may have misread the visual, start by analyzing the question. Did it refer to a specific figure? Did you look at Figure 2 when it said Figure 1? If it did not refer to a specific figure in the question, did the answer choices have numbers? For example, in question 1 above, the answers A, B, C, and D all have numbers: 8 mm, 9 mm, 10 mm, etc. If the answer choices contain numbers, it is a safe bet that you either needed to read a visual or understand a trend to answer the question correctly. I'll explore understanding a trend mistakes next. ACT Science Tip: If You Think You Struggle to Understand Visuals, You Need to Focus on Improving This Skill Since It Is the Most Tested Skill on the ACT Science Section. In order to improve, I'd recommend taking a few untimed ACT Science sections. Take as much time as you need to answer each question and dissect the visuals provided. Write out the control and variable(s). Write out the values at each data point. By doing this seemingly tedious step, you will be making sure you understand the information the visual is trying to convey. Also, read how to read graphs, tables and data. After reaching an acceptable score when taking untimed sections, I'd start taking timed sections immediately. You'll need to nail the 5-minute per passage timing to succeed on the ACT Science section. There are other reasons connected to data that you miss questions: Reason #2: Not Understanding a Trend If you read our article on the 3 types of ACT science passages, this mistake is usually connected to interpreting trends questions and calculations questions. Were you not able to describe the relationship of the data? Increasing, decreasing, direct, indirect? Here is an ACT Science practice question, more specifically an example of an interpreting trends question: Answering this question requires understanding what caused small seeds or large seeds to be more abundant. In this case, this graph below and the two sentences directly above it provide the information you need. If you misread the graph or mixed up these sentences, you may have gotten the answer wrong. According to the two sentences, small seeds are abundant during wet years. According to the graph, 1984 was a wet year, so J. 1984 is the correct answer. ACT Science Tip: I'd Recommend the Same Approach to Fixing This Problem As With Misreading the Visuals. Take untimed practice sections. Try to draw on the visuals the extrapolation of the data. Draw the line as if it went out further. Follow the table. Put up and down arrows for if the data is going up from point to point or down from point to point. Once you start excelling at these interpreting trends and calculations questions, go back to the 5-minute per passage pace. Understanding trends is key, but you need to understand the experiment to answer in order to answer several questions, which we will discuss next: Reason #3: Not Understanding the Setup of the Experiment If you read our article on the 3 types of ACT science passages, this mistake is usually connected to experimental design/research intent questions and hypothetical experimental questions. Did you not understand the researcher’s intent? Did you not understand the experiment’s design? Did you not know the control versus variables? Here is an ACT Science practice question, more specifically an example of an experimental design question: Answering this question requires understanding what the titrant and sample solution were. In this case, the passage defines what a titrant is and what a sample solution is, but if you misread the passage, it's easy to mix it up, especially since it's just a bunch of liquid being mixed together anyway. Be sure to skim the passage for this information if you cannot figure it out from the visuals alone. Again, I would recommend slowing down, taking untimed sections. Make sure you read the passage carefully, and then, once you get to a better score, work on the timing. If you still need help figuring out the variables in an experiment or understanding the scientist’s intent, read our article on experimental design questions. In order to understand the experimental design, you need to read the passage carefully, which bring us to our next reason: Reason #4: Misreading the Passage Did you miss key information from the passage needed to answer the questions? Make sure you read carefully. If you are not 100% sure what the answer is, go back and skim if you have the time. Try to be 100% sure before you move on to the next question. Regarding the question in Reason #2, it would be easy to misread the two sentences you need to answer the question correctly. If you were reading too quickly, you may think that the small seeds were abundant during dry years and answer incorrectly. ACT Science Tip: Take Your Time and Make Sure You Understand What You Read, so You Get the Correct Answer. Again, try taking untimed sections. Circle and underline key information as you read the passage to make sure you do not misread it. Sometimes reading the passage and visuals to answer the questions is just not enough. There are rare cases where you need outside knowledge to answer the question. Reason #5: Not Knowing a Science Fact If you read our article on the only actual science you need to know for ACT Science, this mistake is on those questions. These questions only appear about 4 times per test and require outside science knowledge. To make sure the mistake is because of a lack of outside knowledge, re-read the entire passage and make sure they do not give you the information you need to answer the question. If you still think it is an outside knowledge question, make a flashcard with the information you didn’t know. Below is an ACT Science practice question, more specifically an example of a question that requires outside knowledge: The question expects you to know that protons are positively charged, electrons are negatively charged, like charges repel each other, and opposite charges attract each other. Nowhere in the passage is this property of charges stated- you just have to know this from your science class experience. Knowing what you do, you can eliminate F and H. In this case, the passage stated the reaction uses protons, so the answer is G. ACT Science Tip: Study the Flashcards, so You Get the Scientific Information Down. You should make flashcards for all of the topics from the only actual science article and drill yourself. Also, be sure to do some additional light research to refresh your memory of that concept. It is not necessary to read a book on the subject, but just be sure you have a basic understanding of the concept. Because there are 13 topics mentioned in that article and only around 4 used per practice test, it is possible you may not come across all of them in your studies. You do not want to be surprised the day of the test, so make flashcards and make sure you know them! NOTE: Knowing this material is the only way to get a score between 31 and 36. If you are aiming for a score of 30 or below on the ACT Science section, you do not need to spend as much time focused on these questions, since they only account for about 4 questions per test. In addition to outside science knowledge, you need some basic math knowledge to answer certain questions. If your math skills are off, you may miss questions for this reason: Reason #6: Calculation Error These errors are only on Calculation Questions, in which you need to use math to answer the question. You are not allowed to use a calculator on the ACT Science section, so make sure you are still able to do basic math in your head. Did you make a small calculation error in question that requires basic math? Did you do the wrong math calculation? Find the average incorrectly? Here is an ACT Science practice question, more specifically an example of a calculations question: For this question, you need to interpolate (fancy word for find the in between numbers). You need to find the value of average change in AGTB at 75 m from the center of the plot to the nearest clearing. After examining the scatterplot, I see there are points marked at 70 and 80 m from the center of the plot to the nearest clearing, but not at 75 m, this gap in data is what makes this an interpolation question! You have the data that surround the point, but you need to figure out what the point is. What mathematical calculation could you do (using the data you do have) to find the approximate average change in AGTB at 75 m from the center of the plot to the nearest clearing? Perhaps, averaging the average change in AGTB for 70 m and 80 m from the center of the plot to the nearest clearing? At 70m from the center of the plot to the nearest clearing, the average change in AGTB is about -3.1. At 80m from the center of the plot to the nearest clearing, the average change in AGTB is -2.2. Now, calculate using the average formula: Sum of the values / (divided by) the number of values: ((-2.2) + (-3.1)) / 2 = -5.2 / 2 = -2.6 Then, compare it to the answer choices. So, the answer is G. It would be easy to make a small mathematical error here. Did you subtract instead of add? Did you multiply instead of divide? ACT Science Tip: Make Sure You Apply the Correct Calculation (Typically Average Formula) and That You Didn’t Make Any Sort of Careless Math Mistake. Which leads us to our next topic: Reason #7: Careless Error Did you misread the question? Did you not see a NOT or EXCEPT? Make sure to read the questions closely and circle or underline the NOT or EXCEPT so you don’t miss it. It would be very easy to read this too fast and think the question is asking which of the following is true. I have watched many of the students I tutor make that mistake, and I have made that mistake myself. Try to read carefully to avoid these careless mistakes. ACT Science Tip: Circle the NOT or EXCEPT to Make Sure You Do Not Forget It. The next two reasons are from the Conflicting Viewpoints Passage. Read more about this type of passage in the 3 types of ACT Science passages article. Reason #8: Not Understanding the Point of View If you read our article on the 3 types of ACT Science passages, this mistake is usually connected to understanding of viewpoints questions. NOTE: This mistake will only occur on the Conflicting Viewpoints Passage. ACT Science Tip: If You Continue to Struggle With These Types of Question, Circle and/or Underline As You Read the Passage to Make Sure You Remember the Point of View of Each Student/Scientist. What is their argument? What do they believe? Write yourself a three word or fewer summary after reading the paragraph i.e. â€Å"pro-comet theory,† â€Å"anti-comet theory.† Answering this question requires understanding Student 2's point of view. In this case, Student 2 said that Algol B became a part of the Algol system because Algol B intersected orbits with the original Algol system. So, the original Algol system exerted a gravitational force on Algol B. Therefore, the answer is H. If you did not understand Student 2's argument, then you would get this question wrong. There is only one other kind of mistake you can make on the Conflicting Viewpoints Passage. Reason #9: Not Understanding the Differences and Similarities in the Points of View If you read our article on the 3 types of ACT science passages, this mistake is usually connected to comparing viewpoints questions. NOTE: This mistake will only occur on the Conflicting Viewpoints Passage. Were you able to differentiate between the two scientists/students? How were their viewpoints similar? Answering this question requires understanding both Scientist 1's and Scientist 2's point of view and knowing the similarities between them. In this case, both agreed the object exploded at 8 km above the Earth, so we can eliminate B, C, and D. Therefore, the answer is A. If you did not know this key similarity between them, you probably would have answered incorrectly. Recap There are 9 reasons you miss questions, and there are several ACT Science strategies to fix them! Misreading the visuals Take untimed sections until you get your score where you want it. Read our other article on Factual Questions: How to Read Graphs, Tables, and Data for more practice on these questions. Not understanding a trend Take untimed sections until you get your score where you want it. Read our other article on Interpreting Trends for more practice on these questions. Not understanding the setup of the experiment Take untimed sections until you get your score where you want it. Read our other article on Experimental Design Questions for more practice on these questions. Misreading the passage Take untimed sections until you get your score where you want it. Practice with one of the many free ACT tests available. Not knowing a science fact Create flashcards after reading our other article on the only actual science you need to know for ACT Science. Study the flashcards until you have them down. Calculation error Take untimed sections until you get your score where you want it. Read our other article on Calculation Questions for more practice. Careless error I know these are frustrating, but just try to take your time. Circle and/or underline NOT or EXCEPT, so you do not miss it. Not understanding a viewpoint Write brief notes to yourself after reading each viewpoint, so you remember their argument. Read our other article on Attacking Conflicting Viewpoints Passages and Questions for more practice on these questions. Not understanding how viewpoints are related Again, try to write brief notes for yourself to help you identify the main difference between the viewpoints. Read our other article on Attacking Conflicting Viewpoints Passages and Questions for more practice on these questions. Conclusion: Practicing and Noticing These Mistakes You should practice using real ACT Science Practice Tests; check out our upcoming articles for more information on where to find them. After taking an ACT Science practice test, you should always review. This is the most important step in your study process as it is how you learn. Read more about review and how to study and practice for ACT Science in our other article. When reviewing your missed questions from your practice tests, categorize your missed questions into 1 of the 9 categories above. Tally up the number of mistakes in each category. If most of your mistakes fall into 1 or 2 categories, focus on improving that particular skill by working on the related question type (factual, calculation, interpreting trends, understanding viewpoints, etc.). Find more information on each question type in our other ACT science articles. What’s Next? I recommend continuing your reading by learning about the 3 types of ACT Science passages. Also, understand the reasons you make mistakes. Learn the hardest ACT Science questions and strategies to solve them. Also, learn the best ways to study and practice for ACT Science. Like this article? Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Science lesson, you'll love our program. Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

MILITARY SECURITY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MILITARY SECURITY - Essay Example Both these military engagements are more similar to each other than to conventional warfare; once the bases are established in a foreign nation, a guerrilla war usually ensues much similar to a local insurgency. Military security can further be categorized in respect of its needs in and outside a military base. This categorization is based on the security dynamics of defending a stronghold and escorting a moving vehicle, crowd or even protecting civilian infrastructure. Both are essential for a military force to dominate; having a secure military base is not enough for a military to be considered successful when it is being harassed by a much smaller force in hit and run attacks. Bloody, city wide, offensives often cause millions to displace. Though this helps secure the city, the consequences are not pleasant for the security in the long term. Once the population returns to the war struck region, it is easy for the insurgents to mix up in the civilian population to infiltrate. This is a significant security challenge for the military. Wadhams reports in The Cincinnati Post, in 2004, of an insurgent infiltrating a fully guarded US security base that was protected by barbed wires and blast walls at Mosul and setting of one of the deadliest explosions. Under such circumstances, security measures often keep on changing to meet the dynamic needs. Adaptability is an essential in ‘fluid situations’, 1st Sgt. Steve Valley is reported to have said in the same report. Suicide attacks change the whole nature of security dynamics as the attacker aims to kill himself in the attack. For the conventional and nuclear warfare, the security of the personnel and equipment is foreseeable but for terrorist attacks, knowing what the enemy is capable of is solely dependent upon previous encounters and intelligence. Pappalardo (2004) reports in â€Å"National Defense† about US military as bases being equipped with chemical and biological detectors as a precaution against attacks from weapons of mass destruction. Security of military bases in the current situation is much sophisticated, especially when it comes to the smaller installations; they rely on first responders and outside help unlike the major ones which have coordination with the local authorities, be it in an occupied territory or in the home country. As the requirement puts it, smaller bases are much more in number and raise the need for sufficient security for undisrupted operations so that they can continue to operate in balance with survival and mission success. Kemp (2008) lists a series of security measures used in protecting the bases in his report on base protection in Armada International. With sufficiently trained personnel, the security measures can range from deploying simple sandbags, screens to disrupt direct line of sight, barriers and fortifications to all weather sensors, patrolling systems, anti personnel mines, counter rocket and mortar systems (C-Ram) and a com mand and control system. Intruder alarms and alertness is the key to defusing any grave situations in event of an attack. Dunigan (2011) highlights the peak utilization of private military security contractors in Victory for Hire: Private Security Companies' Impact on Military Effectiveness. This takes off the load of training and recruiting from the military and allows the military to focus

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Analysis Of Article A Phony Hero For A Phony War Essay

The Analysis Of Article A Phony Hero For A Phony War - Essay Example In regards to General David Petraeus’ case, Lucian K. Truscott argues that he did not achieve anything during his service in Iraq and Afghanistan. Instead, Lucian views General David Petraeus’ strategy of seeking the loyalties of various factions in Iraq as a strategy of seeking personal fame and acclamation. This, according to Lucian, influenced General David Petraeus’ appointment as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (Truscott, 2012). Lucian views the achievements and high publicity acclaimed to General David Petraeus as inappropriate in comparison to the Generals of the World War II era who achieved significantly more than David did. In essence, Lucian K. Truscott’s article seems to criticize General David Petraeus viewing him as a blustery individual who sought media publicity to advance his personal course. In light of this, Lucian views the appointment of General David Petraeus to the Directorship position of the Central Intelligence Agency as well as his deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan as erroneous measures that would have cost the nation greatly (Truscott, 2012).

Land Law Coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Land Law Coursework - Essay Example ee’s action.3 S 36 (2) of the said Act states that a court may adjourn the proceedings, or suspend execution of judgement, postpone delivery of possession for a period it thinks fit, if the mortgagor approaches it as a result of mortgagees’ proceeding to take possession of the mortgaged property. The court can do so if it is convinced that the mortgagor will pay the sum due within a reasonable time.4 The reality is, or literally speaking, a mortgagee has the right take possession of the mortgaged property even the next day of mortgage unless the agreement stipulates otherwise as held in Four Maids Ltd v Dudley Marshall (Properties) Ltd. 5. The decision states that mortgagee enjoys an absolute right to repossess a mortgaged property as conferred s.95 (4) of the Law of Property Act 1925,6 unless the mortgagee has contracted himself out of repossession. This decision was applied in Owen v Cornell [1967] 7where in a question arose whether the principal mortgagee could take possession when he had already assigned the debt to Sub-mortgagee. The court held that because the principal mortgagee had reserved to himself the right of reversion by one day, he could exercise his right under s 95(4) of Law of Property Act 1925. Position would have been different if he had not reserved the right under the sub-mortgage agreement and the sub-mortgagee would have prevailed. Thus, in Credit & Mercantile Plc v Marks8, sub-mortgagee was held to have the right of possession as it was involved a registered land wherein the principal mortgagee had relinquished his right of repossession on assignment of debt to the sub-mortgagee. The court observed that since the principal mortgagee had transferred his right to collect his debt, he had no right to complain of default. Thus, the mortgagor need not have defaulted in mortgage repayments as commented by Clarke LJ (at 253) of Ropaigealach decision for the mortgagee to take to take possession of the property the mortgagor lives in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Through the Years - from High School to Adulthood Article

Through the Years - from High School to Adulthood - Article Example During those times we had very little worries. Sometimes we thought school work was hard, but we learned in the future that it only gets more challenging during and after the college years. I remember that college was a hot topic of discussion in the last year of high school. We supported each other a lot and the advice of our friends provided great input to help us decide what to study and at which university. Throughout the years our friendship and comradery have not changed. We still care a lot about each other. Social friendship sites such as Facebook have helped a lot of us keep in touch. I like going to our high school page on Facebook to see old pictures of when we were back in high school. I phone call a lot of old high school classmates at least once a month. High school helps built lasting relationships. Over the years we have had many mini-reunions and get together. High school reunions help people renew old friendships (Lamb & Reeder). Some of our reunions have been very successful, but in others, attendance has been low. Even those that don’t attend always get a taste of what occurred in the event since it is customary for us to send everyone several videos and photos of the event’s activities. There is a log with the emails of all the members of the 1987 graduation class. All classmates are notified of special events such as reunions. During the last 25 years, t he class has held at least one activity every three years. On some years we have had more than one activity. Another medium that was introduced about three years ago was a forum created by one of the classmates who specializes in programming and designing websites. The forum is a great way for us to talk and leave messages for all of us to share. We never forget of any of our friends. Some of the members never attend the activities of the class of 1987 and some are not users of Facebook. We never forget about any of the girls.

Illegal war trade, and its effect on society Research Paper

Illegal war trade, and its effect on society - Research Paper Example hereas the problem was being addressed, during the 19th century, locally at different countries of the world, now-a-days, it has assumed a global aspect. Therefore it is evident that modern transportation system has significantly contributed to the increase of the illicit drug-trade. As a result in the international drug market, the trade in drug is a highly profitable business, as Presidents Commission on Organized Crime notes, â€Å"Drug trafficking accounts for almost 38 percent of all organized crime activity across the country and generates an income estimated to be as high as $110 billion† (4). A report prepared by the National Institute on Drug Abuse shows that the abuse of drug like any illegal drugs, except the smoking and alcohol, exerts a toll of averagely $161 billion dollars on the economy of the United States in the years 1999, 2000 and 2001 (NIDA). If alcoholism and smoking are counted within the statistics, the cost will rise up to approximately $487 billion dollar. Out of this $161 billion dollars, about $110 billion costs in lost productivity, whereas $12.9 billion is spent in healthcare issue. In the UK, the total economic cost of illicit drug abuse fluctuated between  £2.9bn and  £5.3bn in the past decades. If the social costs are added to this economic cost, the total amount will range between  £10.1bn and  £17.4bn per year (Godfrey et al. 7). In a study Collins and Lapsley (2008) report that Australian socio-economy has to bear the cost of $30 billion per year. But a global comparative statistics of the effects of drug on the economy of the countrie s is still a matter of investigation (87). The UK Drug Policy Commission approximates that there are about 23.1 million natives of the total British population who are addicted to at least one drug in the year 2010 (Reuter and Stevens, 2007). According to the British Crime Survey 2005, about 45% of the population (aged between 35 and 44) were addicted to at least one drug, whereas 50 percent of the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The RNL company HR management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The RNL company HR management - Essay Example At the same time as this form, the employee's boss writes a review of the employee as well. When all this is complete the employee meets with his or her boss to discuss what is on both of the forms. This is not how RNL has always done things. They asked a consultant how they could improve their company's performance and the consultant suggested this kind of formal review. The results have been good from the change. RNL now is more profitable and efficient and gets much better communication from its employees about how things are done as well as how they complete their own job. Although these reviews are improving the situation, the managers of the company still don't like the fact that when they get the form it is not labeled with a person's name. This is because occasionally the things that the employees write are just mean and don't really serve any sort of constructive purpose to make the company better. If this form was not filled out anonymously the managers think this would sto p because people would not want their names associated with that and so they would only write actual issues down. The feedback that they receive is also usually not specific enough to be really useful. Management would like this to change as well maybe by adding more specific questions on the form.

Illegal war trade, and its effect on society Research Paper

Illegal war trade, and its effect on society - Research Paper Example hereas the problem was being addressed, during the 19th century, locally at different countries of the world, now-a-days, it has assumed a global aspect. Therefore it is evident that modern transportation system has significantly contributed to the increase of the illicit drug-trade. As a result in the international drug market, the trade in drug is a highly profitable business, as Presidents Commission on Organized Crime notes, â€Å"Drug trafficking accounts for almost 38 percent of all organized crime activity across the country and generates an income estimated to be as high as $110 billion† (4). A report prepared by the National Institute on Drug Abuse shows that the abuse of drug like any illegal drugs, except the smoking and alcohol, exerts a toll of averagely $161 billion dollars on the economy of the United States in the years 1999, 2000 and 2001 (NIDA). If alcoholism and smoking are counted within the statistics, the cost will rise up to approximately $487 billion dollar. Out of this $161 billion dollars, about $110 billion costs in lost productivity, whereas $12.9 billion is spent in healthcare issue. In the UK, the total economic cost of illicit drug abuse fluctuated between  £2.9bn and  £5.3bn in the past decades. If the social costs are added to this economic cost, the total amount will range between  £10.1bn and  £17.4bn per year (Godfrey et al. 7). In a study Collins and Lapsley (2008) report that Australian socio-economy has to bear the cost of $30 billion per year. But a global comparative statistics of the effects of drug on the economy of the countrie s is still a matter of investigation (87). The UK Drug Policy Commission approximates that there are about 23.1 million natives of the total British population who are addicted to at least one drug in the year 2010 (Reuter and Stevens, 2007). According to the British Crime Survey 2005, about 45% of the population (aged between 35 and 44) were addicted to at least one drug, whereas 50 percent of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Globalization and Local cultures Essay Example for Free

Globalization and Local cultures Essay The present scenario represents a highly dynamic environment, where transnational advertising, globalization and local culture are found to be closely linked with each other. This essay discusses and critically evaluates some of the major issues that are involved in the relationship between transnational advertising, globalization and local culture. Issues Some of the significant issues that are linked with transnational advertising, globalization and local cultures are as follow: ? Communication: As a result of globalization, the need for transnational advertising in an effective manner has increased. Globalization has led to the proliferation of huge number of products and it is through advertising only that the consumer can be made aware of the uniqueness present in the product. Transnational advertising requires creativity along with the quality of being magnificent depending on the firm. Critical evaluation: The critical evaluation of the issue of communication depicts that advertising should be based on the proper research and well planned groundwork. Advertising should communicate a specific message to target audience in a persuasive and believable manner and also it should not hamper the cultural values of targeted audience and others (Fowles 1996). Globalization has prompted the evolution of advertising agencies, which conduct market research for the clients. Market research deals with the commercial adaptation of standard social science methods in a qualitative and quantitative manner, which should be interpreted in a realistic form. Production of advertisement should not be restricted to just as a business relation between the agency and client; rather its content and practices must be subjected to some self regulatory codes. For instance, cigarette advertising on TV and radio, magazines and newspaper is banned due to federal acts. On the other hand, lack of representation of people in the advertising of cigarette is the result of self- regulatory code (Sinclair 1991). ? Creating consumer: Advertisers usually focus on some repetitive themes such as contentment, youth, achievement, status, lavishness, fashion and attractiveness. As a result of this, Social Opposition and differences among the class get concealed and workplace conflicts are not revealed. Global campaigns propose that remedies for the human problems can be found in the individual consumption, which depicts a perfect channel for mass energies. Critical evaluation: Critical evaluation of the above paragraph states that Consumer democracy serves as a substitute for establishing political democracy. The transformation in the U. S. Pepsi ad campaign, for use in Brazil, which was ‘Join the Pepsi Revolution’ describes that numerous people are left with no other alternative for expressing their requirement for social modification. The only viable option includes changing the brands and enhancing their consumption. Globalization has caused an increase in the transnational advertising and it is one of significant reasons for the enlargement of transnational culture and collapse of traditional cultures. In French or English, the foreign lifestyles of a blond jetsetter are related with the Western products and resemble a sign of modernity. Not only this, they also believe that the elements, which are modern, are superior. On the other hand, traditional elements are absolutely unpleasant. Thus, it will not be wrong to say that transnational advertising and globalization strive towards the removal of local cultural variations. The strategy of global marketing is highly effective as it rarely requires conscious subversion. The message, which states that ‘we will sell you a culture’, has greatly accounted in the global advertising campaign that acts as a particular advertising message utilized in all the countries. The reason behind an increase in preference of worldwide advertising is that it is extremely economical and more effective despite of the fact that it may wildly clash with the local environment (Stravens 1996). Virtue of respect: This is another major issue which represents relationship between transnational advertising, globalization and local cultures. The process of globalization involves principles and motivation of people. Therefore, it is necessary to make modifications in the global strategy and specific marketing concepts must be directed towards the identified groups. Critical evaluation: Critical evaluation of the above stated paragraph reveals that the virtue of respect can be protected from the infusion of foreign culture, if the government takes effective measures to make this fact clear that although they might have an global outlook, yet traditional values will also be given due consideration. The government of Singapore has done it effectively. Here, government formulated a list depicting good and bad aspects of the Asian and western values. This list assisted in the adoption of good systems from both the Asian and western values. In Singapore, it is very essential to understand the family for understanding the consumer behavior. This is so because family has a huge influence on making the decision related to the product’s purchasing and consumption (Stravens 1996). Economic management: In order to maintain a smooth relation between transnational advertising, globalization and local cultures, it is necessary to focus on the aspect of economic management. Values can play both the positive and negative role depending on the developmental stage of a country and extent of preference given to the Asian values. Not only this, international context is also very important. Critical evaluation: From the above paragraph, it is clear that in a world where goods and services move freely across the national boundaries, Asian values can become a part of liability if they do not understand the significance of transparency and accountability. For instance, Singapore is among the developing country that maintain a right blend between the Asian and western values. On the other hand, in South Korea, grouping of traditional and military cultures has led towards extreme dependence on enterprise system. As a result to this, issues like lack of transparency and failure in rationalizing the business structure have aroused (Sung-Joo 1999). Increase in the Decision makers: Globalization and transnational advertisement has brought about a revolution in the decision making capability. Not only this, it has also increased the number of decision makers in a family (Restall 1997). Critical evaluation: Globalization has led to formulation of developed means of technologies for advertising in an effective manner. In a survey, it was found that children in Australia have greater access over the television and computer. This reflects that marketers should give due response to the kids as they also play a significant role in decision making, especially in toys, games, fruit drinks and home PCs (Winton 1998). Not only this, globalization has reappeared as a rational projection of the digitalized revolution. Globalist theories are promoting the idea that people across the world can share widespread common culture (Watson 1997). The only aspect which an advisor should keep in mind that it should not hamper the local culture and must depict any vulgarity and sex. Dignity should be maintained while portraying a male or female in an advertisement. For instance, lee jeans (1987) depict two males and one female draped across bicycle. It is necessary to justify the extent of openness in such advertisements (Wernick 1994). Conclusion From the above detailed discussion, I would conclude with the note that a close relationship exists between the transnational advertising, globalization and local cultures. In order to make the process of globalization successful, it is necessary for the leaders of the globalization to practice the virtues of esteem for religious and cultural values and also surrender their economic self-centeredness for the betterment of the people enduring poverty. This serves as a challenge in front of the world leaders to pay attention to the dimensions linked with the religious and cultural aspects. Globalization portrays a culture of global mass, which is influenced by the contemporary means of cultural production such as Internet, movies, TV, advertising etc. Developing countries are required to understand the significance of globalization. A right blending of Asian and western values is required to gain the benefit of globalization. On the other hand, globalization and transnational advertising should not hamper the local culture, which can be done by effective formulation of rules and regulations by the government. References A. Wernick â€Å"(Re-) Imaging Gender: The Case of Men†, from Promotuional Culture. London: Sage, 1994, pp. 48-66. ISBN 0803983913 B. Restall, â€Å"ABreakthrough in the study of women†, from Production of Culture/ Culture of Production, (ed) P. Du Gay, London: Sage, 1997, pp. 225-232. ISBN 0761954368 Felix Stravens, â€Å"Advertising in Singapore†, in Advertising in Asia, (ed) K. Frith, Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1996, pp. 273-291. ISBN Hang Sung-Joo, â€Å" Asian Values: An Asset or a Liability? †, in Changing Values in Asia, (ed) Han Sung-Joo, Singapore:Institute of Southeast Asia Studies, 1999, pp. 3-9. ISBN 9812300635 John Sinclair, â€Å"Advertising† in the media in Australia, 2nd edition, (ed) S. Cunningham and G. Turner. St Leonards. NSW: Allen and Unwin, 1991, pp. 267-276 ISBN 1863733434 Jib Fowles, â€Å"Deciphering Adverstisements†, from Advertising and PopularCulture, London: Sage, 1996, pp. 167-183. ISBN 0803954824 J. Watson, â€Å"Transnationalism. Localization, and Fast Foods in East Asia†, fromGolden Arches East: McDonald’s in East Asia, (ed) J. Watson, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997, pp. 1-38. ISBN 0804732078 K. Winton, â€Å"Pizza and tech talk but hold the veggies†, Communications update, No. 147, September 1998, pp. 10-11. Noreene Janus 2007, â€Å"Cloning the Consumer Culture†, viewed 30 April

Monday, October 14, 2019

Physical activity for children

Physical activity for children Phisical activity for children Outcome 1 Introduction This report provides information about the key benefits of physical activity for children in two categories of age 2-6 and 6-11 years old. This report will present of areas of development of the above age stages, which contained: physical, intellectual, skill, and psychological/social/emotional. Physical development is a process that begins in the human childhood and lasts until late adolescents focuses on the ability of gross and fine motor, and maturation. Physical development involves developing control over the body, especially the muscles and motor coordination. Intellectual development is best defined as the childs ability to think and understand the world. The way in which the child takes and processes information related to carers and experiencing the effects of the world in all areas of development. Skill development Stages of Development Children Aged 2-6 Physical changes Physical development of children of preschool age is slower and more stable than in infancy, however remains dramatic. Some important factors affecting the physical development during the preschool include changes in the childs brain, gross and fine motor skills and health. Toddlers soon acquire the leaner, more athletic look associated with childhood, as the children around age 3 begin to lose their baby fat. The childs body and legs grow longer and make your abdominal muscles, tightening the abdominal appearance. However, even at this early stage of children life, boys have more muscle mass than girls. From age 2 to 6 physical proportions continue to change, as their heads are getting smaller, but they are still larger than the school childrens. Also, head proportion from large is changing to the body even out, what have an impact on the balance but that improve coordination. The using of energy system is less efficient than adults, what can be notices during exercise that the children breath heavier, sweats more and also heart rate is faster than the adults. The hot or cold environment has a much bigger impact than on adults too. As they are suffer more from overheating, becoming too cold, but also dehydrating. The energy system is affected by not fully developed aerobic system, as the oxygen can be supply a fraction of required by the working muscles. Young children are not able to exercise in high intensity, because their anaerobic system is still not fully developed. Intellectual development At this stage, babies eventually enable to cope with separation from parents. Language develops as children grow into toddlers and their world expands. Symbolic understanding and appear pretend play skills there. Children begin to work on their experience, such as feeding a doll or a car. In the preschool years, children expand their understanding of pre-academic skills. They learn to identify colours, shapes, numbers, and letters. They also begin to demonstrate phonemic awareness. Some children may even begin to read familiar sight words as they reach age five. Pre-schoolers also develop more elaborate symbolic and cooperative play. For example, peers work together to act out a theme such as playing house, with each player having a defined role. Skill development Motor skills are physical abilities or capacities. Gross motor skills involves the use of large body movements, and this includes running, jumping, jumping, turning, jumping, throwing, balancing and dance. Fine motor skills, which include drawing, writing, and tying shoelaces, involve the use of small bodily movement Motor fine skills involves the use of a small body movements, such as drawing, writing, and tying shoelaces, involve the use of a small body movements. Both above skills are develop and are refined in early childhood, but the motor skills develop more slowly in preschool. The comparison of the running abilities of a 2à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ yearà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ old and a 6à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ yearà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ old, will show the limited running skills of the 2à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ yearà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ old. But when compare the trying shoelaces of 2 and 6 year old the difference will be even more striking. The 2à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ yearà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ old has difficulty grasping the concept before ever attempting or completing the task. Physical activity For this age group, any physical activity is indicated, i.e. including both forms of light physical exercises, as well as, more vibrant and energetic suggestions. Providing children with adequate physical activity and game play is an important step to developing their physical fitness, which not only promotes the health of young children but significantly enhances their psychological development and social skills in the long run. It is evident that physical activity is essential to the whole-person development of young children. For young children, the amount of physical activity is more important than the intensity. Physical activity can enhance the development of young children’s gross motor and fine motor skills, and to foster their good health habits and self-care ability. Therefore, physical activity of any intensity level should be covered, e.g. daily activities of light intensity such as slow walking and packing school bags, activities of moderate intensity such as cycl ing, stair climbing or engaging in teacher-led large-muscle activity sessions, and even activities of vigorous intensity such as chasing and running around, dancing, swimming etc. engaged after school. Of course, activity of a higher intensity can enhance cardio-respiratory fitness and stimulate bone growth; it can also enhance their development of physical fitness and motor skills. For the maximum health benefit of young children, teachers can consider administering a suitable amount of higher intensity activity. As younger children’s leaders, teachers should give them ample opportunities to experience different kinds of physical activities within a safe environment. This is to train the young children’s fundamental motor skills, which are essential for them to cope with daily needs. Children may acquire better physical fitness and movement skills for participation in various sports activities in the future. Stages of Development Children Aged 6-11 Physical changes Children aged 6-11 experience many of physical changes occurring in their bodies. The coordination of arms and legs increases, also ability for use their fingers and hand in such things as crafts and writing improves. Furthermore, can be noticed the growth in interest in games with rules and organised sports. Intellectual development Skill development Physical activity References LAM, P Y, 2011. Phisical Actvity. Phisical Actvity for Children Aged 2-6, [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 13 March 2015]. Physical Development: Age 2–6.[ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 13 March 2015]. Babies and Young Children: Diploma in Child Care and Education Jo Brewster, Pauline Jones Google Books. 2015. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 March 2015]. Appendixes Table 1 Benefits of physical activity for young children Table 2 Physiological signs and examples of physical activity by intensities

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Womens Behavior in Coleridges Christabel and Brownings My Last Duchess :: My Last Duchess Essays

Women's Behavior in Coleridge's Christabel and Browning's My Last Duchess      Ã‚   Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Browning wrote in two different eras.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Coleridge's "Christabel" and Browning's "My Last Duchess" both deal with   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   women's sexuality. The women of the poems are both presented as having   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   sinned. Christabel's own belief that she has sinned is based on how a   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   woman of her time was supposed to behave. The Duchess's sin is that she   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   violates the code of conduct for a noble wife. Yet, can the modern reader   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   really feel these women did anything wrong? The only sin in these two   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   poems is that women are supposed to suppress their emotions. The real   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   problem is that they defied the idea that women are not supposed to be as   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   sexually open as men. A woman was only to behave as these two women did   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   towards their husband, and even with him do so behind closed doors. Women   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   were to serve as the "Angel in the House" both of these women defy that   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   image. That type of thinking is characteristic of Romantic and Victorian   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   standards of women. This is especially true of the upper classes to which   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Christabel and the Duchess belong.      Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Coleridge raises the question: "What happens to a woman's self-image when   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   she defies social expectations?" Christabel struggles with this question   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   throughout the poem because she defies the standards for how a woman   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   should behave sexually. However, Coleridge is not trying to makes   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Christabel a heroine for doing so. The poem has more to do with the effect   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   of breaking rules on women. Coleridge depicts Christabel as a young woman   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   discovering herself. She has no taste for convention, as one can see by   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   her wandering around in the woods at night. Apparently, this is not proper   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   behavior, as the poet describes her action in a scolding tone, "What makes   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   her in the woods so late, / A furlong from the castle gate?" (Coleridge   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   25-26). The reader is given the idea from the beginning that Christabel is

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Hydroponics :: essays research papers

Hydroponics Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  NAME HERE and I became fascinated by hydroponics and the idea that one doesn't have to get their hands dirty to be a great gardener, and if your like us that's a good thing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The idea of hydroponics has been around since the pyramids where build, but in all these years it never seemed to catch on. It took about forty-six hundred years before the first scientist took a look at hydroponics and adapted it to grow crops, this was a professor at the University of California, and the result was a 25 foot tomato plant that had to be harvest by a ladder. Thus hydroponics was reborn and has been advancing ever since. Yet up to 5 years ago the home grower and generally the public didn't know about hydroponics. It was only being used by commercial growers. But now it has caught on, and resulted in this experiment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When thinking about hydroponics one must think about the applications of hydroponics. Not only dose hydroponics produce bigger, better, and more healthier plants than the traditional dirt, but it can also be greatly beneficial on things like submarines, space stations, off-shore oil rigs, or any where else where dirt is hard to come by.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During this experiment we'll be looking for which plant life well do best with hydroponics, by measuring which plant has grown the highest or bushiest. We also well be looking for green and healthy looking leaves on the plants. We have no idea what the results might be, so this should be an exciting experiment. Problem   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Which form of plant life will thrive the most in a hydroponics enrichment. Will it be Tomatoes our fruit, Peas our vegetable, Tinkerbell flowers, or Beans a legume?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First we selected a suitable PVC pipe and cut it into a 4 foot long piece. Next we cut four holes into the pipe with a jigsaw. After that we drilled two holes for the brass tee's to fit into. Next we glued on the two caps. After that we drilled two holes, one for the bucket to rest on, and the other for the plastic hose to go into. Then we glued the 20mm pipe into one of the holes. After that we cut our 4 inch PVC pipe and glued the cap to it. Then we drilled two holes into the pipe, and inserted two brass nosles into the holes we just drilled. Now take the plastic hose and cut it into 4 piece. One piece is for draining, one is for sub reservoir, and two are to separate the sub